Letter: Van Buren Elementary class selling detergent

To the editor:

Hello, my name is Alliviah Mccollum and my class is having a class business. It is called Happy Earth. I have a question for you. Do you like clean clothing? We are making our own laundry detergent, making our own labels, advertising and learning how to run a business. We were wondering if you would like to buy our laundry detergent.

I know what you’re going to say: “We have really bad allergies,” or “I have an H.E washer.” Well, our laundry detergent is all natural and safe for H.E washers. It will not cause allergies. It is only $5 for a 2-liter bottle.

If you want to buy a bottle, go to Van Buren Elementary School and ask to speak to a student in Mrs. Wagers’ class. Thank you very much.


Alliviah McCollum, third grade student, Van Buren Elementary School

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