Burglary suspect faces additional charges for child porn

A man who was arrested in Brown County in October for committing a string of burglaries now faces additional charges after police searched his cellphone and reported finding child pornography.

Christopher Acton, 31, of Columbus, was charged on Nov. 15 with 12 counts of possession of child pornography — 11 Level 5 felonies and one Level 6.

Acton had been arrested Oct. 17 after he was found running from the scene of one of the burglaries on Crainsboro Lane. Police recovered a cellphone that belonged to him.

Det. Paul Henderson applied for a warrant to search the phone further. He reported finding videos on the phone of young girls exposing themselves sexually. They appeared to be ages 7 to 14. The case was then turned over to Det. Brian Shrader, who investigates crimes involving children.

Twelve videos were found on the phone. The first had been downloaded in October 2018 and the last three on Oct. 13 this year.

Shrader interviewed Acton on Oct. 30. Acton estimated the child in one of the videos to be between 8 and 9 years old. He told Shrader that he didn’t know the videos were on his phone, but admitted that the phone was his and he was the last one to use it, according to the affidavit.

Acton said he had downloaded a couple of apps and that is how the videos were downloaded to his phone. Shrader’s report said that he found an app on the phone that is commonly used to find content such as this on the “dark web.”

Shrader looked through messages on Acton’s phone between Oct. 12 and Oct. 13. He had been texting friends and he was “clearly in control of his phone on those dates,” Shrader reported.

He also reported that seven videos had been downloaded on Oct. 12.

Acton was already facing four felonies and a misdemeanor for the burglary cases, filed Oct. 18.

Three homes were burglarized on Oct. 16 and 17 — one on Crainsboro Lane and two in the 3600-3700 blocks of Smith Road just east of Sprunica Elementary School.

Acton was one of two suspects in those crimes; the second person has not been caught and Acton would not reveal that person’s name to police.

He is being held at the Brown County jail on $30,000 bond for all charges combined. He has been in custody since the burglaries.