Letter: Drawing a link between COVID-19, eating habits

To the editor,

A nutrition strategy offers our community an important path to help recover from the pandemic. As described in recent commentaries by biochemist and nutrition researcher Dr. T. Colin Campbell (https://plantpurecommunities.org/defense-against-covid-19), mortality data shows that over 90 percent of the people who have died from COVID-19 suffered from pre-existing medical conditions, mostly arising from bad nutrition.

There is evidence that suggests that individuals switching to a healthy plant-based diet, emphasizing whole plant foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts) would not only decrease chronic disease risk, and sometimes reverse these conditions, but also increase their production of COVID-19 antibodies. And, there is ample information showing that the benefit may be seen in a matter of days, enough time for people who are not yet infected by COVID-19 to strengthen their immune systems.

Background: This important information from Dr. Campbell was published by the nonprofit PlantPure Communities (PPC) which organizes the PPC Pod Network (involving 250,000 people in 25 countries), of which the local Plant-based Eating Advocates (PEA) Pod, https://pea-pod.org, is a participant.

Bill Daniels, Nashville

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