Town’s sewer master plan to get public hearing this week

The Nashville Town Council did not vote on a draft sanitary sewer master plan created for the town last month, deciding instead to wait and address it this month.

It’s now scheduled for a public hearing this Thursday night, Aug. 20.

The plan describes the condition of the town’s sanitary sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment plant and lays out some options to improve them.

It also maps out how the system could be expanded to take in more customers that aren’t currently served, including some high-density neighborhoods outside Nashville, and gives possible costs and timelines for that work.

The neighborhoods included in the plan are Annandale Estates; Green Valley Church/Kelp Grove/Sam’s Hill/Hilltop Lane/Town Hill Road; Greenbriar Lake; Bean Blossom area/Greasy Creek; Gnaw Bone; and more of Brown County State Park than the town already serves with wastewater treatment.

None of those projects are definitely going to happen; the master plan is a plan only, said Dax Norton, the town’s strategic direction adviser, at the July 16 meeting. He works for MS Consultants, the same group that created the sewer master plan.

The only financial commitments the town has made so far are to do work that it is required to do to the current collection system and treatment plant, by order of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Tim Clark, who lives in one of the neighborhoods for possible service expansion, asked Norton and MS Consultants engineer Nathan Delisle if they had documented proof of need for sewer service. Delisle said they had talked with the health department about areas that have failing septic systems or systems that were aging and likely to fail within the next 20 years.

Clark said that was anecdotal information and he’d like to see more data before an expensive solution is put in place.

He also asked for several meetings at which residents could comment on the plan before it is passed.

The plan has been scheduled for a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. this Thursday, the regular monthly Nashville Town Council meeting. It will be conducted virtually on Zoom. See the agenda and meeting link below.

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Read the town’s draft sewer master plan at
