Fine print: Criminal court Oct. 5-9

New charges

Oct. 6

Jacob Nay, resisting law enforcement, Level 6 felony; resisting law enforcement, Class A misdemeanor

Oct. 7

Phillip J. Sims, theft, Class A misdemeanor

Kayla Dilk, disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor

Trenton Dilk, failure to return to lawful detention, Level 6 felony

James Thompson, resisting law enforcement, Level 6 felony

Oct. 9

Melvin Stewart, possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony; unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; unlawful possession or use of a legend drug, Level 6 felony; counterfeiting, Level 6 felony; driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor


Oct. 5

Yoenwys Perez Ortega, reckless driving, Class C misdemeanor; $25 fine, $210.50 total court costs.

Oct. 8

James Melton, count 3: pointing a firearm, Level 6 felony; count 4: domestic battery by means of a deadly weapon, Level 5 felony; remaining counts dismissed. Count 3: Two years in DOC, all executed. Count 4: Four-and-a-half years in DOC with two-and-a-half years executed, remainder suspended. Concurrent to each other. Credit for 44 actual days on count 3 and credit for 44 actual days on count 4. Sentence consecutive to 07C01-1711-CM-0656 and 07C01-1805-F4-0177. Probation for two years upon release. Probation consecutive to 17CM0656 and 18F40177 with standard and special conditions. Domestic violence determination reviewed; $437 fine and total court costs. Court makes finding of indigence and suspends payment at this time. Appeal rights explained. Defendant indicates he is unsure at this time regarding appellate counsel.

Oct. 9

Amber Breedlove, conversion, Class A misdemeanor; 22 days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for 11 actual days. Restitution to Circle K in the amount of $3.89, to be paid out of cash bond; $236 fine and total court costs to be paid during term of probation in 20CM0082.

Amber Breedlove, criminal trespass, Class A misdemeanor; 365 days in BCJ with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 363 days with standard and special conditions. No contact order vacated; $186 fine and total court costs to be paid during term of probation.

Dismissed cases

Oct. 7

Jacob Payne, distribution or exhibition of obscene matter, Class A misdemeanor

Oct. 9

Amber Breedlove, invasion of privacy, Class A misdemeanor