Club news for week of Dec. 9

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Rotary club

The Brown County Rotary Club will meet via Zoom at 8 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 10.

Guest speaker Kristina Hunter-Mullis will discuss vaping, its popularity among youth, its potential health impacts and its relationship with COVID-19.

Hunter-Mullis is a second-year doctoral student in health behavior at Indiana University’s School of Public Health. She is a master-certified health education specialist and has worked in the alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention field for the last eight years, focusing on community capacity building, intervention design and implementation and health policy.

Her research interests include how policy, systems and environmental change influence health behaviors, particularly tobacco use and cessation in rural areas. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism/public relations and a master’s in health promotion from Indiana University.

Those interested in exploring opportunities to participate in projects and to be of service to the community also are invited to attend the Zoom session. Visit and click “Contact us” to obtain a link.

Submit club news to [email protected] by Thursdays at noon before the week on which you’d like your item to run.