Letter: Annexation, rezoning of hill wrong for community

To the editor:

Here is yet another example of how our town government is functioning as a business entity: Land grabbing through annexation and paying $5,000 for an expert to explore the feasibility of a partnership with Big Woods Brewing Company and Hard Truth Distilling Company.

We are told the most important rationale for this partnership is job creation, but at what cost? This whole affair is yet another example of dangerous short-sightedness and abject capitalism.

We have a well-documented drug problem in our county. In every bar in town there is drug trafficking. We should not hope that this partnership will establish facilities where this activity will not be an issue. The deal will also allow for more alcohol consumption which has no apparent history of contributing to the health of a community.

Should we allow our government to become indirectly responsible for this? Should we allow businessmen to continue to make (again, indirectly) their own contribution to the breakdown of our community?

We should heavily consider urging our town government to say no to the annexation of Firecracker Hill and to stop that property’s rezoning for commercial use.

If this is not done, then we can expect to have our community taxed further and in more ways than one.

This is a hard truth!

John Douglas, Nashville

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