Letter: Advice given on wildlife, land management

To the editor:

I read Charlie Cole’s letter (Sept. 20 issue). Before we had all this new equipment, it was a team and cross-cut saw. Purdue told people to be careful when they cut down an old tree, not to let it fall on a small tree; also, when they drag it out of the woods, not to knock a small one down.

Now, they cut with a power saw and drag it out with a timber jack and run over everything in their way. And after they get done, you will have green briars and underbrush.

The reason we don’t have any quail or grouse is because the turkeys eat their eggs. Two men saw a turkey eating quail eggs one day.

Cut the deer down; kill the female instead of the buck. Do the same with the turkey.

I lived in Brown County over 85 years. I would still be there if my husband was alive.

Lois Carter, Bloomington

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