PHOTO GALLERY: Court employees perform ‘Thriller’

The Brown County Courthouse lawn was covered in zombies dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” on Halloween night.

The zombies were a group of court employees and others who have been practicing twice a week for the last few months to surprise Judge Judith Stewart with a “flash mob” in honor of her upcoming retirement.

The judge was unaware of the surprise until she walked up to the courthouse with her husband, Michael Fulton, that evening. Then, fog from a machine began to roll in and the music began to play.

Check out the photos of the fun below:

Stewart was smiling and laughing the entire time.

“They look awesome,” she said as she watched them dance.

“I can’t believe they learned it.”

Court reporter Sherri Brown said the group decided to learn the dance with the help of instructor Julie Miller because Judge Stewart loves Halloween.

“It’s something special for her to remember us by, and because we love and respect her so much,” Brown said.

“Her reaction was more than worth the countless hours we invested learning it. It was a blast.”

The dancers were Brown, Benita Fox, Deborah Schroeder, Lisa Day, Kelli Cowin, Rachel Carden, Sheena Brown, Brenda Dewees, Heather Mollo and Marley Mollo.

Other zombies hanging around the courthouse lawn were Andy Reed, Steve Day, Gary Dewees, Robin Knight, Mike Knight, Kelsey Reed, Jackson Reed, Hannah Huber, Abigail Huber, Colten Lee, Gay Lawson and Barbara Pierce.

Video may be added to this story later.