Letter: Takes village to make auction successful

To the editor:

The 41st annual Brown County Children’s Auction was a huge success thanks to the many community members that made it possible.

A big thank you to our hardworking committee for planning the auction, advertising, getting donations, setting up the venue and working diligently to make the auction happen. Thanks to all of you who volunteered your time and talents the night of the auction to help the event run smoothly. Thank you to the management and staff of Out of the Ordinary for donating the use of your venue not only the night of the auction, but the use of your storage space and helpfulness throughout the whole year.

We would especially like to thank our hardworking volunteer auctioneer Mark Tritask and Hondo who did a great job as Emcee. Thank you to our cash donors and the merchants, artists and craftsmen who generously contributed items to auction. We know that you often get asked for donations and we appreciate your continued support.

Through your combined efforts, we were able to spend $20,000 this past Christmas to provide new clothing to 325 children in Brown County. We appreciate all of you that came out to the auction and thank you for making this possible.

During the coming months, we will begin to plan for the next auction and we would really like to hear your suggestions to make the auction even better.

You can email us at [email protected] with your feedback. If you would like to join our committee, please let us know! The annual auction is always the first Friday in December, so mark your calendars now for December 6, 2019.

Alan Birkemeier, president of Brown County Children’s Fund, Inc. (submitted by Carol Birkemeier)

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