Parks and rec recognizes local volunteers

The Brown County Parks and Recreation Department recognized volunteers for their service on the parks board and for mowing Deer Run Park at the Brown County Commissioners meeting Jan. 16.

Director Mark Shields handed certificates to six volunteers who mowed the county park for free last year. Shields estimated their volunteer labor saved the department around $4,400.

Those volunteers were Keith Baker, Keith Kirk, Donald Moore, Charlie Placke, Travis Summers and Al Weber.

“We’re real proud of this team we put together this year,” Baker said.

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“The park is looking better than before.”

Crews will begin mowing again in March. Volunteers use park equipment to mow often on Thursdays or Fridays.

“Any time you give back to the county it is a special, good deal,” he said.

Shields also recognized former parks and rec board member Mike Knight for at least 20 years of service to the parks and recreation department. Knight’s term on the board ended last year and he did not apply to be reappointed. Baker has now applied to fill that board opening.