Fine print: Civil court Feb. 11-14

New suits

Feb. 11

Personal Finance Company vs. Carl Cummings, Donna Cummings, civil collection

Crystal Rickard vs. Myron Rickard, dissolution of marriage

Jeremy Charles Benenati vs. Nicole Ivonne Benenati, dissolution of marriage

Michelle Van Wazer vs. Dwayne Van Wazer, dissolution of marriage

Charles Lee Reed vs. Tammy Mae Armstrong, dissolution of marriage

Feb. 13

Midland Funding LLC vs. Theresa Drummond, civil collection

Kevin Newland vs. Melissa Newland, dissolution of marriage

Ryann Clark vs. State of Indiana, post-conviction relief

Feb. 14

GMG Motors Inc. vs. Daryl Pfaehler, civil collection

GMG Motors Inc. vs. Jacob Wells, civil collection

Crown Asset Management LLC vs. Martha Bartlett, civil collection14

Small claims

Feb. 13

LL Receivables Company A/S/T Kay Je vs. Toni Brumley