Fine print: Jail bookings March 20-25

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

March 20

Noon Dennis O’Hara, 48, Nashville, probation violation warrant. Released at 2:45 p.m. March 20, own recognizance. (M. Moore)

3 p.m. Regena Brooks, 59, Columbus, battery. Released at 3:23 a.m. March 21, posted $1,000 bond. (Bowling)

March 22

4:16 p.m. Hillary Hastings, 29, Nashville, serving time. (Temple)

March 23

1 p.m. Jesse Hall, 35, Nashville, failure to appear warrant. (Pool)

March 24

9 a.m. Amanda Cooper, 38, Nashville, probation violation warrant; nonsupport warrant. (Temple)

March 25

9 a.m. Justin Granger, 30, Washington, serving time. (Melton)