OUTDOOR BRIEFS: Birding trail; Master Gardener celebration

New Indiana Birding Trail features 35 sites

The Indiana Audubon Society has announced a new Indiana Birding Trail, and two of the 35 sites are in Brown County.

Brown County State Park and Yellowwood State Forest are included on the map of great places to see birds. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources worked with the IAS and several regional partners to develop the trail, which provides a great resource for Hoosier birders and others who might visit the state for business, vacation or pleasure.

“Birds make great ambassadors, and our partnership in developing this trail with the Indiana Audubon Society, city and county parks, and regional tourism organizations is a great example of how we can all work together to introduce Hoosiers and out-of-state guests to Indiana’s natural resources,” said Ginger Murphy, deputy director of Indiana State Parks.

The trail focuses on species to watch for in each location, site amenities that make travel easier, and birding ethics such as remaining on roads, paths and trails in order to limit bird and habitat disturbance. The website also features an interactive map for quick views of each location and a downloadable guidebook.

Properties on the Indiana Birding Trail will be identified with a sign that includes the birding trail logo.

Printed copies of the Indiana Birding Trail guide are available at properties located on the trail. The downloadable guide and online resources are at Indianabirdingtrail.com.

Gardening seminars, vendors at annual event

FRANKLIN — Brown County resident Dawn Slack will speak at the Johnson County Garden Club’s annual Garden Celebration Saturday, May 2. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., visitors can discover plants native to Indiana and how they support a yard’s ecosystem and prevent loss of valuable wildlife. More than 40 vendors also will be present.

The event will take place at the Johnson County Fairgrounds, 250 Fairground St. in Franklin. Seminars include:

9:30 a.m. — Carol Michel, local garden expert and author, on “Tame Your Vegetable Garden: Tips and Tricks to Grow Food You Actually Want to Eat”

10:30 a.m. — Aaron Stump, habitat programs manager for the Indiana Wildlife Federation, “Certified Wildlife Habitat Workshop”

1 p.m. — Dawn Slack, director of stewardship for The Nature Conservancy, “Invasive vs. Natives in Nature and Your Home Garden”

2 p.m. Wildlife Rehabilitators of Hope, IN: An interactive presentation with rescued animals.

General admission is $2 at the door.

For information visit the Johnson County Garden Club Facebook page, call Carolyn Williams at 317-736-8080 or email [email protected].