PHOTO GALLERY: Homecoming royalty chosen

Brown County High School senior Halie Lunsford receives her crown, sash and bouquet of flowers after being named this year's fall homecoming queen during halftime of the high school homecoming football game on Oct. 16. Senior Travis Ely was named king. Suzannah Couch | The Democrat

Brown County High School students nominated by their peers to be on the fall homecoming court lined up along the track during halftime of the football game Oct. 16 to await the winner announcements.

But this year’s court looked a bit different, with students wearing masks due to COVID-19. Some removed them for photos.

The fall homecoming queen is senior Halie Lunsford. Senior Travis Ely was named king.

Juniors Declyn Wilkerson and Seth Oliphant were crowned homecoming princess and prince.

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Freshmen Kate Wilson and Gavin Butcher were also on the court competing for the princess and prince title, along with sophomores Jersey Brock and Aidan Norcutt.

Greta Johnson, Nick Ponzo, Lauren Akles and John Wietlisbach also represented the senior class.

Winners were celebrated with sashes, crows, flowers, and a burst of confetti that went flying into the air.