Letter: Brown County Election Board served with integrity

To the editor:

As a member of the local League of Women Voters — and as an interested citizen and voter — I attended most of the meetings (both virtual and in-person) this year of the Brown County Election Board.

If anyone wonders what is required to make our country’s voting systems work, I suggest attending these meetings. Your eyes will be opened, and I think you would have a new appreciation and perspective on the voting process.

All three members of the board had not served in this capacity in the past, so each faced a steep learning curve. That being said, this board worked together to take on the task of an RFP (request for pricing) process for new voting equipment; presented to the county council their findings and recommendations for new voting equipment (coming in under budget); respectfully handled questions and gracefully incorporated proposed solutions from the public; invited voters to share concerns after the primary election; and made themselves available, both physically and via phone, during the primary, early voting and general elections.

I personally would like to thank the board — Amy Kelso, Mark Williams and Kathy Smith — for their willingness to listen to voter concerns and ideas, their ability to adapt to changing scenarios due to the pandemic, and their seemingly tireless efforts to provide Brown County voters the best voting experience they could.

Yes, there were voter concerns, a need for improved training for poll workers, and other issues — lessons to be applied for the next election and going forward. Working together as a community will make all efforts better.

Laurie Teal, Brown County