Fine print: Criminal court Nov. 23-25


Nov. 23

April Fishel, disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 60 days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for three actual days; $260 fine and total court costs.

Austin Wagler, resisting law enforcement, Level 6 felony; remaining count dismissed. Pursuant to plea agreement, judgment of conviction is entered as Class A misdemeanor; 365 days in BCJ, all suspended. Probation for 180 days with standard and special conditions; $186 fine and total court costs. IPhone X to be returned to defendant. Probation may terminate early.

Nov. 24

Jessica George, theft, Level 6 felony. Per plea agreement, defendant enters plea of guilty to conversion, Class A misdemeanor (lesser included); 16 days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for eight actual days; $286 fine and total court costs.

Nov. 25

Terri McPheron, no operator’s license in possession, Class C infraction; $158 fine and total court costs.

Dismissed cases

Nov. 25

Aaron Fox, conversion, Class A misdemeanor

Jose Espino Salas, illegal consumption of an alcoholic beverage, Class C misdemeanor

Pre-trial diversion

Nov. 25

Jorge Garcia Hernandez, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, Class C misdemeanor