Letter: Chained dog analogy ‘just too good to pass up’

To the editor:

In reference to the March 3 letter by Mr. Brown, I feel the need to respond. Especially regarding his beloved chained hunting dog, Clyde. By comparing ol’ Clyde to Rush Limbahhh I feel you are doing your dog a great disservice. But the analogy of a dog on a chain and present day Republicans was just too good to pass up. The image of a trusted hound bursting from his dog house in response to the “hunting horn” was perfect.

How many times over the course of the last several years did we see ex-President Donald Jennifer Trump blow his own hunting horn (commonly known as a dog whistle)? The response by his followers was immediate and cruel. And just like Clyde running to the end of his chain, they would push, and in many cases surpass the bounds of common decency and civil discourse in response to the dog whistle. All in hopes their master would throw them a bone.

On Jan. 6, he used his biggest dog whistle platform (Twitter) to amass, incite and unleash (pun intended) his hounds on the U.S. Capitol. I’m sure police don’t mind being beaten as long as it’s with a Blue Lives Matter flag or an American flag. His followers were as loyal as dogs and given the command to attack in their crusade to promote the lie. I’m pretty sure I saw a Distemper Fi t-shirt.

Another asinine point made by Mr. Brown regarding Rush Limbuger was his personal relationship with Jesus. I was always told, in the old Harmony Baptist Church in my youth that you will know Christians by their works. Think about that for a second. What did Rush Gumball do for a living? He talked smack about every single person that was not like him — i.e. white males. Period. Not sure if a brown guy named Jesus is gonna be returning the calls of a fella like ol’ Rush Gargoyle. But who knows, maybe Jesus likes cigars. Oh well, there ain’t no accounting for taste.

Personally in regards to Rush Hairball, I’m reminded of a quote by Mark Twain “I’ve never wished any man to die, but I’ve read some obituaries with great delight.” And for as many wonderful points of interest in James Brown’s letter that there was the adolescent in me just wants to know: Do you ever wanna scream OHWWW! and jump back and kiss yourself?

Submitted sarcastically,

Frank Jones, Brown County