Letter: Classical concerts offered in Bean Blossom

To the editor:

The Bean Blossom Music Series was pleased to host the “Trio Divertimenti” on July 18 for a wonderful concert of baroque stringed music. The trio performed classical music with their baroque period instruments that included composers Johann Sebastian Bach, Ignatius Sancho, Georg Friedreich Handel and more.

Shelby Mass (Baroque violin), Kevin Flynn (Baroque cello) and Esteban Hernandez Para (Baroque viola/violin) are master’s and doctoral students at Indiana University School of Music. Between the music selections of their program, the musicians answered many questions from the audience about the baroque period of music, their unique baroque instruments and the various composers. We learned that Shelby’s baroque violin was 275 years old and one of the composers was a slave from Africa.

The Bean Blossom Music Series has been hosted free and open to the public at St. David’s Episcopal Church for over 25 years. Freewill offerings and donations are always welcomed. Concerts of jazz, contemporary, classical, voice and much more are usually offered bimonthly.

To sign up for notifications of upcoming concerts, please email [email protected] and request that your email be added to the mailing list. You can also visit the St. David’s website at [email protected] and click on the Bean Blossom Music Series link for more information, or call 812-988-1038, the church office.

Marylin Day, Nashville