LETTERS: ‘Joe owns your security COLA’; Secretary of State is ‘most important’ on ballot; Thanks for Nashville Night Out, Fall-O-Ween

‘Joe owns your Social Security COLA’

To the editor:

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter — $44 billion. Twitter’s adding “context” to the White House’s tweet that “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership” – priceless.

In case you missed it, the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for Social Security payments results from legislation signed by President Nixon in 1972 and is based on the Consumer Price Index (i.e., a measure of inflation), which President Biden’s policies have caused to skyrocket. In an unprecedented action, the White House took the tweet down but federal law regarding public records requires that it be archived.

Maynard (Brandy) Brandon, Nashville

Secretary of state is ‘ the most important bubble’

To the editor:

You thought I’d write about voting for me? Something about how disturbingly authoritarian the town council president has become? Well, well, well — I do hope you vote wisely. But Nashville Town Council is not the most important bubble on your ballot next week. It is Indiana Secretary of State.

Most of us are fed up with politics. After devoting most of my life to the study, and having the opportunity to participate in local office, it is abundantly clear why we are jaded. But who benefits from our collective discouragement? Certainly not us, not unless we vote. Defend democracy. Vote Wells for Indiana Secretary of State.

If you are reading this please take a moment to recall some of the things that bring you optimism. A special quote? A powerful song? An image of soldiers falling while keeping the flag held high?

I refuse to allow democracy to be defeated by despair. We can and will persevere.

As Americans, we have the right and responsibility to VOTE. Voting allows the people to have a voice in the way our community is maintained.

We are lucky to live in a country steeped within democratic principles. By exercising our rights, including our right to vote, we are exercising the success of the democratic system.

Democracy is a great system of government. However, to be effective, this system requires our participation. We involve ourselves by exercising our right to vote. By voting we can individually contribute to the wellbeing of our community.

Most of us are fed up with politics. Why? We feel like our vote doesn’t matter. However, this mentality can only survive if we decide to ignore our democratic responsibility. In short, our vote won’t matter unless we VOTE! Voting makes the world a better place.

Some sad facts about Indiana voting that Morales would keep, and Wells intends to change:

1. Indiana has one of the lowest voter turnouts of registered voters (46th in the Nation.) Why are Hoosiers not showing up to the voting polls? Hoosiers feel like their vote doesn’t matter – which is true — if you don’t vote.

2. Indiana is one of few states that still uses electronic voting machines. Which are extremely unpopular with the public, and have a litany of other verifiable concerns

3. Voting processes change depending on county in Indiana, which is crazy! Why not have uniform voting processes for every Hoosier, why make things more confusing than necessary?

4. Indiana doesn’t allow people to register to vote close to the elections, which has been proven to be extremely ineffectual. Other states allow people to register at the polls, Indiana constantly turns eligible voters away from the polls. Eligible voters are not able to vote: does this systematically encourage or discourage people with participating in the democratic process?

The most important office on the Hoosier ballot this year is for Secretary of State. “Right now, at this moment in time, especially headed into 2024, the Election Division deserves the most attention,” Secretary of State Candidate, Destiny Wells said.

I could totally discredit Republican SOS Candidate, Morales, for the two (or more) sexual assault allegations brought against him. Sure, this signifies certain character traits… However, I happen to be most interested in a candidate’s ability (or inability) to perform the job they desire. You and I and all Hoosiers are on the hiring committee. Who is best for the SOS job?

Diego Morales decided not to show up to the candidate forum put on by the League of Women Voters. Secretary of State candidates Destiny Wells (D) and Jeff Maurer (L) were both in attendance. Check out the recording at wfyi.org/news/articles/democrat-destiny-wells-discusses-secretary-of-state-race-issues-election-security-early-voting.

Secretary of State candidate Wells fought for democracy in the military and now fights for our right to maintain democracy here at home. America has been a leading example of the success of the democratic system. As Americans, we tend to take our democratic rights for granted, disregard privileges that many people dream of. Voting is one of those rights. It is important to vote and exercise our ability to affect the community around us. We need to vote to stand up for what we believe in.

“I’m running for Indiana Secretary of State to safeguard democracy and the freedom to vote right here at home. I have worked at all levels of government—local, state, federal, and the multi-national level with NATO. As an attorney, I’ve been Associate Corporation Council for the City of Indianapolis and Marion County, and Deputy Attorney General for the State of Indiana. And as a military intelligence officer, I have seen firsthand the state of democracy across the world,” Wells’ website says.

There is a reason we feel like our vote doesn’t count; SOS candidate Wells intends to renew our optimism through specific policy implementations.

I have decided unequivocally that Destiny Wells is the best choice for Secretary of State. She has the knowledge, experience, passion, virtue and unparalleled intelligence to bring success to the Indiana Election Division. She definitely has my vote!

We need to vote to change the things we view wrong in the world. To reinforce the things we see as right. Our votes count because they represent our individual input in the way our community, country and world should operate. We need to vote to enrich our own lives, the lives of the people around us, and the lives of our children. Democracy deserves our participation.

Vote on Nov. 8 for present and future Hoosiers. Choose Indiana Secretary of State WELL.

Anna Hofstetter, Nashville

Belated but heartfelt thanks for National Night Out

To the editor:

The National Night Out event was held in September. Much has happened since then and I am just getting around to thanking everyone. This was a community event to honor all first responders in Brown County and to connect them with the residents. I am so proud to say that this event was funded entirely by the businesses of this community. Everything from the BBQ to the dunk tank was donated. Bakers at the Methodist Church donated delicious cookies too.

Being late with thanks in no way alters the intensity of my gratitude and appreciation for everyone involved who made this fantastic night possible. Something of this magnitude and impact requires selfless community support and we had that! Plus, I had a great team that put in many hours and is already planning the event for next year.

Most of all we were able to say thank you to the people that keep this town and county safe and secure, some of them volunteers themselves.

We look forward to seeing everyone again next September!

Nancy Crocker, Nashville Town Council president

Thanks for help with Fall-O-Ween Party

To the editor:

Brown County Parks and Recreation would like to send a special thanks to all the volunteers that helped us with our 2022 Fall-O-Ween Party! We would not be able to put on these larger events without community support. A special thanks to the following: Katie Finney, Annie Stower, Mackenzie Freeman, Mattie Satter, Billy Baldwin, Keith Baker, Andrea Baker, Dean Keefauver, Ken Birkemeier, Carol Birkemeier, Mandy Simmons, Roberta Simmons, Aaliyah Favors, Kirsten Simmons, Heather Burris, Mays Greenhouse and Bear Hardware!

Andy Rudd, Brown County Parks and Recreation

Send letters to [email protected] by noon Thursday before the date of intended publication (noon Wednesday on holiday weeks). Letters are the opinions of the writer. Letters must be signed by the author and include the writer’s town of residence and a contact number in case of questions. Only one letter every two weeks, per writer, to allow for diversity of voices in the opinions section. Please be considerate of sharing space with other letter-writers and keep your comments concise and to the point. Avoid name-calling, accusations of criminal activity and second- and third-hand statements of “fact.”