
Cue the music — maybe a low and moaning saxophone. Let me turn the collar of my trench coat up. Picture in your mind a street lamp on a corner with a shady character skulking around.

Fear not, Brown County. Nothing to worry about — Brownie is on the case!

OK, we’ve been together long enough — you know me. I’m the Brown County Connection — or more fondly known as Brownie. I’m like the old time P.I.’s — private detectives. You know the type, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe …

The way this works, you send me your questions and I get answers. How do you get me your question? E-mail them to [email protected]. And if you think I’m not really up on stuff like e-mail, you’re right. That’s what my wonderful assistants are for. In the old days I’d light up a Lucky and say, “thanks, doll!” Today — I can’t smoke indoors and there’s no way in the world I’d call anyone doll because I don’t want a lawsuit on my hands!

This week, sorry to report, that I don’t have a complete answer for you. I’ll tell you what we’ve got and what’s next.

Jim Stinson sent in a pretty straightforward and simple question.

“Why were the trees along Highway 46 and the school cut down?”

I probably made a mistake by going back to County Highway Department Superintendent Mike Magner for this one. Magner hasn’t been too happy with me lately, and it was evident in his answer.

“State Road 46 is a STATE Road – INDOT,” Magner told me in no uncertain terms. “Otherwise, call the school system, NOT the county highway.”

Yeah, OK. Bottom line is he’s right. Let me wipe that egg off my face.

Hey, this isn’t personal, right? Taxpayers get to ask questions — and even those who don’t pay taxes get to ask. Pretty sure those in public service are obliged to answer — or face the consequences either at the voting booth or from their bosses.

So Brownie is reaching out to both the state and the school to see if anyone can tell us what happened to those trees and why. Hopefully by next week, I’ll have the full answer. Stay tuned.