Salute to Teachers

Career Resource Center

From left, Julie Miller, Megan Connelly, Debbie Hilligoss

Not pictured: Dave Bartlett, Alane Lovell, Laura Mercer, Katie Underwood

They open minds, encourage future generations and support kids through many of the toughest moments of their young lives.

Just one good teacher can change a person’s views on the education system and learning as a whole, they can also have an impact that will stick with students well beyond their years in Brown County schools.

For many students, teachers can provide strength, empathy and hope as they navigate their educational career. Some may even find inspiration or self efficacy through their favorite teachers.

When your kids are away from home, it’s key they are in the hands of people you can trust to guide them.

The Brown County Democrat believes in the importance of education and the pressure that comes with influencing future Brown Countians. We also believe in setting aside space to salute them for their efforts. Help us as we recognize and thank the local educators from Brown County High, Brown County Middle schools, Sprunica, Van Buren and Helmsburg elementaries. We also want to thank the educators at the Career Resource and Early Education centers!