Community Calendar for week of April 20


Activities, events on deck at library

COUNTY NEWS: Interest earned down over previous years


Last year, the Brown County government’s investment accounts brought in a little under $20,000.

Something to Do for week of April 20


Tuesday, April 19

LOOKING BACK: Journalist, war correspondent Pyle diner with college president in Nashville


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part one of a story written on Aug. 26, 1940 by Ernie Pyle and is from the Brown County Historical Society archives. Pyle was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist and war correspondent. He is best remembered for his stories about ordinary soldiers who fought in World War II. He was also known for the columns he wrote from 1935 to 1941 for the Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate. He died after being hit by enemy fire during the Battle of Okinawa. He was known as one of the best war correspondents in America at the time of his death.

Students awarded for voting essays


What factors play into a lack of voter participation and what should be done to increase turnout on Election Day?

Here we go again: High school puts on “Mamma Mia!,” 1st musical since pandemic


If you are looking for fun weekend plans sure to keep you singing, dancing and laughing, you might consider visiting Brown County High School’s auditorium.

More requests made for COVID-19 relief aid, commissioners going before council


The Brown County Commissioners will go before the Brown County Council later this month to ask for a $1.4 million appropriation from the American Rescue Plan Act fund.

Moving forward: Boards to get COVID-19 relief funds for sewer project after public comments...


Nearly $800,000 of COVID-19 relief funding will be allocated to help support two projects that aim to expand sewer service in the northern part of the county.

Fine print: Marriage licenses March 1-29


Marriage licenses