Braun leads in GOP primary


INDIANAPOLIS — The current six-person Republican field for governor is an anomaly. In the television age of Hoosier politics, the GOP usually sorts out the candidates, so there are only one or two by the February primary filing deadline.

Can I claim Social Security benefits and continue to work?


Dear Rusty: I will be turning 63 soon. Can I apply for Social Security and continue to work? Would I be limited to how many hours or how much I could make? I know my monthly SS amount would be cut by 30%, or somewhere around there, but how would working affect me? I was trying to read up on this, but the $1 and $2 thing confused me. I have an offer to take a work-at-home position and need to decide soon, but it is a cut in income. The cut would be okay if I could draw my Social Security too.

Tragic words of wisdom from violent 1968


INDIANAPOLIS — In the midst of this current presidential election year, we have witnessed cavalier and reckless rhetoric suggesting political violence. There has been talk of a second civil war, of “retribution” and “bloodbaths” and “vermin” poisoning the blood of America.

When should wife claim her benefits?


Dear Rusty: I just saw an article which said that certain spousal options were going away, but there are still good options for when a spouse can claim. I am filing for my Social Security to start in October when I turn 70. My wife’s full retirement age (FRA) is in December, and she now plans to file then for half of what my FRA benefit would have been (our original plan was for both to file in August). My wife’s main reason for delaying until her FRA is to lock her into my maximum benefit if she has to someday change to Survivor’s Benefit. Will this be gone for us? Neither of us was born before January 1, 1954. Please advise.

Braun wearing primary target


INDIANAPOLIS — Of the six Republicans seeking the gubernatorial nomination on May 7, U.S. Sen. Mike Braun is the one with the proverbial target on his back.

Navy veteran uncertain about coverage


Dear Rusty: I’m not sure what I should sign up for in terms of Social Security: I am 64 and I am still employed full time and intend to stay employed until age 70. I am retired from the Navy and receive military retirement payments, and have military TriCare, as well as medical, dental, eye and life insurance through my employer. I don’t want to lose benefits, but I also don’t want to take Social Security until it reaches the maximum at age 70 (I think that is correct?). I will turn 65 in 4 months. Can you advise me?

Trump’s Hoosiers passing on 2nd term


INDIANAPOLIS — In late spring of 2016, even as Donald J. Trump won the Indiana presidential primary with 53.6% of the vote, the Republican establishment was slow to come around. Gov. Mike Pence had given his milquetoast endorsement to Sen. Ted Cruz. Only former GOP Chair Rex Early and Sullivan County Chairman Bill Springer were on board with the Manhattan billionaire when the national convention delegates were announced.

Examining Trump as Andrew Jackson


It is a matter of discipline with me to avoid listening to political speeches. They are hardly edifying and the current trend is a pronounced one toward less and less enlightenment each time a politician rises to his legs and starts talking. Last week’s State of the Union address by President Biden accelerated the velocity in that direction if the news reports, all with their own biased spins of course, are indicative.

Indiana needs broadband to the last acre


Rural broadband access is essential to the farms that grow our food, farm families and the quality of life for rural Hoosiers.

Thinking back to once upon a time in America …


Once upon a time in this country, men were men. Women were women. And that wasn’t the beginning of an argument.