Kennedy’s death sewed distrust in federal government


INDIANAPOLIS — The last two American presidential assassinations — coming about 60 years apart — set in motion different yields when it comes to trust in government. When bullets felled President William McKinley in Buffalo in 1901, the subsequent ascension of President Theodore Roosevelt commenced a progressive movement that largely persisted over six decades, bringing us the New Deal and the Great Society.

Veteran asks about extra credit for service


Dear Rusty: I’m turning 95 this year and am caretaker for my wife in our 70th year of marriage. I served before 1968 (1951-53) during the Korean War. How do the “special extra credits for military service” work for me? Is it retro-active? My wife, who only worked a short time, gets half of my Social Security so would it affect hers, too? Signed: Korean War Veteran

Trump is laying it all on the table


INDIANAPOLIS — As things stand today, former President Donald J. Trump is the prohibitive favorite to win his third Republican presidential nomination next year. He leads the Real Clear Politics national polling composite by a resounding and unprecedented 53%. He leads Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by 33% in Iowa and Nikki Haley by 31% in New Hampshire.

GUEST OPINION: If grandpa could only see us now


I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. There was an older man and little boy in front of me, and the little boy was chatting a mile a minute. The older man was smiling, nodding his head and not talking much.

LETTERS: Thanks to local support for Rotary gift basket


Thanks to local support for Rotary gift basket

Jim Watkins: Kent dies in Belgium months short of 21st birthday as wife delivers...


The World War II battle that would eventually be referred to as the Battle of the Bulge was especially lethal for our Brown County Boys.

Richard Feldman: Birth-control bill is good public policy


Now more than ever, it is imperative to prevent unwanted, unintended pregnancies. Considering Indiana’s new abortion statute, women should have increased access to birth control measures.

Letters to the editor for week of April 26


Kirlin blessed by community in difficult time

EAGLE CORNER: Eagle Manufacturing growth building a legacy


EDITOR’S NOTE: This column by Brown County Schools Superintendent Emily Tracy was first presented in her speech at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Eagle Manufacturing on April 12.

VETERANS CORNER: President’s budget could impact veterans


While the president’s budget details a plan to honor our country’s sacred obligation to care for America’s veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors, the proposal to cut a broad range of critical programs by 22% would threaten critical services for veterans — both at VA and across the federal government.