School Board Member highlights referendum spending plan


On May 7, 2024, voters will be asked to vote on a property tax referendum to support Brown County Schools.

School board member outlines referendum


Over the next few weeks, Brown County Schools will be answering questions residents may have about the referendum ballot question in May. If you have a question you’d like us to answer, please email me as a school board member at amoliver@browncounty

Allies, enemies and appeasement


Since the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin began his vicious genocidal assault on Ukraine two years ago, more than 10,000 civilians have been killed and over 18,500 injured, according to the United Nations human rights office. More than 10 million Ukrainians have fled their homes, and 6.3 million have sought refuge outside the country.

Brown County Schools introduce new TED-Ed club


Brown County Schools are changing the lives of students in all grades by introducing a new club, TED-Ed, into their schools. The TED-Ed club is an impactful opportunity for all who participate in the Saturday, May 18 event, but even more so for the Brown County students.

No clear answer on the sovereignty of conscience


When should one’s conscience have the final say in a dilemma? Or must it answer to a higher authority? And if such a higher authority exists, what is it?

Should I claim benefits at 68 or age 70?


Dear Rusty: I have a question regarding my SS benefits. I turned 68 this month and work part time. I earned $28,000 last year but will probably gross $36,000 to $38,000 this year. My husband collects his SS, and he earned $25,000 last year. I was told by a financial planner that I should apply for my benefits now, instead of waiting until I’m 70. I would collect $1700/month at 68 and $1944/month if I wait. Which is the smarter move?

Brown County Schools faculty work incredibly hard to implement new TED-Ed club


Take a deep dive into how Brown County Schools staff and advisors have been working incredibly hard to make TEDx an event to remember, something that not only every student but also community members who decide to partake in the event remember.

School board votes to put referendum on ballot


The Brown County School Board voted unanimously to place a referendum question on the May 7, primary ballot at its meeting last week.

How is Social Security benefit calculated?


Dear Rusty: I appreciate your recent article dispelling the myth that politicians have stolen Social Security money. As a CPA, I dispel this myth repeatedly to clients who falsely claim SS funds have been raided. But another thing I deal with often is how SS benefits are calculated. I know the formula for determining each person’s benefit amount is complex, but I have had to explain numerous times that those who put the most into Social Security get the lowest rate of return and those who put the least in get the highest return based on the way the benefit formula is structured. I get tired of people complaining that monthly Social Security payments are higher for retired doctors and other highly paid individuals. Can you please explain how Social Security is weighted in favor of lower income workers?

Crouch gives rare criticism of boss over issue of care


INDIANAPOLIS - When a politician makes the decision to accept a vice presidential or lieutenant governor invitation, it generally means taking on a subservient posture. All the time.