Arguments for rethinking the American economy

To the editor of The Democrat:

I think U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders should be president because he supports rolling back the Bush tax cuts, legalizing marijuana, increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and taxing the financial sector of Wall Street.

When less than 1 percent of the population owns over half of country’s assets, there is no reason for continuing policies of wealth centralization. This trend of power and wealth centralization is a problem for economics and national security.

Our country’s energy grid, food supply, money supply and telecommunication bandwidth is controlled by a few corporations and individuals which leverage its operations in such fashions as to maintain their distribution networks. It inherently restricts the underlying buying power of the consumer class and, by proxy, its upward mobility.

I consider these two ideas to be most beneficial consequences of the Constitution of United States. Corporate America will benefit in the long term by shifting out their centralized-corporate energy grid to a distributed single-owner or small-scale individualized model in which microeconomics of scale have more independence in their power options.

Family and small-scale solar fields and wind fields make our national energy more flexible within paradigms of local environments, and similar for locally-owned telecommunications and agricultural ingenuities.

Business and/or capitalist enterprises which are more distributed over a given supply network and less centralized are more resilient over the long term. And although perfect equilibrium would hinder competition, the specific problems in the United States economy where 1 percent of the population owns 50 percent of the total assets is obviously centralized wealth, not competition density.

Although inflation fears underlie this transformation of American and western markets, American business’s long-term increase in intra-scale competition can offset these price increases.

Our state economy can be more resilient by educating individuals in a range of skills and allowing them to cross-train and work within multiple aspects of a given job skill pathway. These multiple training linkages can allow individuals to have a more comprehensive understanding of their economic resource flows.

Single-owner business and freelance ventures can have more security while preserving their freedoms of venture.

Levi Voils, Brown County

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