Looking Back: County honored WWI soldiers with welcome home day


This story appeared in the Brown County Democrat on Aug. 31, 1919:

Sunday, Aug. 28, 1919 was a big day for Brown County: A big dinner, good speeches and good music. It was simply fine! That was the expression and thought of those who attended the welcome home for Brown County soldiers of the late war last Sunday.

As we predicted, last week, Nashville had the biggest crowd of people assembled here for many, many years. The crowd is estimated at 1,500 to 2,000, all here to honor and welcome the Brown County soldiers, and that they were royally welcomed and entertained will be attested by those present.

The weather was ideal for the occasion, and by 10 o’clock, the streets were crowded, and the crowd kept increasing in size until the afternoon program had begun.

At 10:30, the Trevlac band opened the day’s program with some appropriate selections. Following the band concert came the welcome address by the Hon. Anderson Percifield. It was a masterly speech, ably delivered — one of Anderson’s best — and highly commented upon.

At the noon hour, the soldiers, in uniform, formed in line on Van Buren Street and, headed by the band and under command of Lt. William Sayer, marched to the K. of P. banquet hall. Along the line of march the street was jammed with cheering people.

At the banquet hall the boys were seated to one of those big, old-fashioned Brown County dinners. Here let us remark that we took some pains to find out what the boys thought of the “feed” and all of them were highly pleased. The dinner was under the auspices of the K. of P. lodge, but when word went out that everybody would be given a chance to help in furnishing the dinner, the eatables came in thick and fast and there was an abundance of good things set before the boys, whom the whole county wished to honor. At the banquet hall short talks were made by J.F. Bond, Charles Genolin and J.L. Tilton.

After the banquet the soldiers formed again and marched down Jefferson Street to Salt Creek and back, then gave a drill on Main Street. This part of the program was a pleasing feature to the spectators, and although most of the boys had been away from camp for many weeks, they proved that they had not forgotten their training. The command, numbering about 100, marched and drilled as one man. Every movement was in exact accord, and Lt. Sayer demonstrated that his official title had been meritoriously obtained.

Following the drill the boys marched to the courthouse lawn where, after a selection by the band, the misses Wiltrout, talented musicians, pleased the crowd with a splendid trio. This was followed by an address by Judge James B. Wilson of Bloomington. Charles Teeters, of Morgantown, favored the crowd with a solo. Several Civil War veterans had front row seats with the boys of the late war, before the speaker’s stand.

During the day Brown County’s honor roll, on the courthouse lawn, attracted crowds. It is to be regretted that the roll is still incomplete. There are many names that should be enrolled, and a movement to obtain a correct list should be started at once. Much credit is due William Vawter for his work on the honor roll. He painted all the names thereon without charge, and although he has not been publicly thanked, he realizes that his efforts are highly appreciated by every citizen of this county.

Sunday was truly a big day for Brown County. Why not make welcome home day an annual affair? It has been suggested by many; now is the time to decide. Let some organization come to the front with the announcement that they will take charge of the Welcome Home Day. The citizens of Brown County want it and everybody will help.

— Submitted by Pauline Hoover, Brown County Archives

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