Letter: Volunteer firefighter training on next level


To the editor:

The Van Buren Volunteer Fire Department would like to take this opportunity to celebrate one of our firefighters.

Sabrina Ward joined the department when she was almost 16 and started as a cadet while attending Brown County High School. She learned medical training and firefighting by coming to trainings, helping with fundraisers and anything else she could do at the department. Graduating high school in 2013, she had developed strong firefighting and EMS skills and has accumulated 600 medical runs to date.

She desired to continue her education by enrolling at Ivy Tech in Columbus. While maintaining a job, attending fire/EMS training, making runs for her community and studying for school, she was able to pay for her schooling by herself. She obtained a criminal justice technical degree in 2015 and criminal justice associate degree in 2016.

Even with these accomplishments, she still desires to continue her education and has applied and was accepted to the elite TEEX-Brayton Firefighter Recruit Academy in Texas which is an extension of Texas A&M Engineering. She will endure 12 weeks of intense classroom and physical training with hands-on training at the Brayton Fire Training Field.

All of us at the fire department are so very proud of her accomplishments and wish her well. We know she will do her best and come home in April able to go anywhere in the United States to obtain her dream job.

If you would like to write a letter, send a card of encouragement, please send to VBVFD, P.O. Box 911, Nashville, IN 47448. We will make sure that she gets all of your kind words.

We are proud of you Sabrina! Go get ’em, girl!

Van Buren Volunteer Fire Department (submitted by Heather Stafford)

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