TOWN NEWS: Water pressure project; board reps change


Town water pressure may be worked on soon

A project deemed important to solving the town’s high water pressure problems isn’t in the lineup for grant-funded work right now. But it could still make it onto the list if the budget works out, said Nashville Utility Coordinator Sean Cassiday.

In December 2015, an engineering firm determined that most pressure-reducing valves were not present or working as they should be in the town’s water system.

High pressure is a cause of water line breaks, which result in boil orders. Water pressure was measured at upwards of 150 psi in some areas of the town’s water system when it should be more like 80 psi, engineers said.

That project was not on the list the town submitted for grant funding. Town leaders thought they could pay for it out of cash flow or savings instead.

But Cassiday told the town council last month that the estimates for the other jobs on the list were coming back high, so there might be room in the grant money after all to pay for at least some of the valve project.

No start date has been announced for other work on the water system, which includes finishing a water main installation on Freeman Ridge Road, replacing water meters, demolishing an unneeded water storage tank and booster station and replacing another booster station.

The projects are being funded by a $592,000 grant through the Community Development Bloc Grant program and a $1.2 million loan through USDA Rural Development.

Town board representatives change

Two people have been added to town boards to fill vacancies made by resignations.

Barry Herring, owner of the Brown County Inn, is now serving on the Nashville Parking and Public Facilities Corporation, replacing Kevin Ault.

Johnathan Bolte is now serving on the Nashville Arts & Entertainment Commission, replacing Anne Ryan Miller. Bolte is the husband of gourd artist Rosey Bolte and has been active in promoting the Brown County Back Roads Studio Tour.

A list of other appointees to town and county boards and commissions can be found here.

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