Letter: Kids on Wheels trying to realize vision

To the editor:

A letter was published recently concerning the land acquired by the Kids on Wheels group. I am a member of the KOW committee and a Brown County parent. I realize the necessity of preserving ecosystems, for I’m a retired biology teacher, Master Gardener/naturalist, and avid lover of the environment.

Our group has many goals for the teen park, and we have always discussed the need to save the trees, wildflowers and other hidden beauties of the property. In addition to the skateboarding area we will welcome teachers, students, naturalists and families to use the property for exploration and educational purposes.

We have only taken the first step, which is obtaining a purchase agreement with the seller, so we still need to raise money to make the park a reality.

You can help Kids on Wheels win a $20,000 grant and get one step closer to their dream by voting for “Nashville, Indiana” in the Disney Meet Me at the Park online competition. We need all adults ages 18 and older to vote and help us secure this money!

Go to this website: NRPA.org/DisneyMeetMeAtThePark

And vote for “Nashville, Indiana.”

Thank you,

Karen Scott, Brown County

Send letters to [email protected] by noon Thursday before the date of intended publication (noon Wednesday on holiday weeks). Letters are the opinions of the writer. Letters must be signed by the author and include the writer’s town of residence and a contact number in case of questions. Only one letter every two weeks, per writer, to allow for diversity of voices in the opinions section. Please be considerate of sharing space with other letter-writers and keep your comments concise and to the point. Avoid name-calling, accusations of criminal activity and second- and third-hand statements of “fact.”

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Letters to the editor written by or about candidates in the 2018 election will only be accepted through Thursday, April 19 for printing in the April 25 paper. No letters concerning election candidates or issues will appear in the May 4 issue, which is the issue immediately preceding the election. Send letters to [email protected].
