Letter: Literacy Coalition float celebrated bilingual learning

To the editor:

The theme of the Brown County Spring Blossom Parade this year was “Unity in Diversity.” This focus excites us here at the Brown County Literacy Coalition because we understand the benefit of early childhood multiple language acquisition, as well as the lifelong benefit of cultural understanding and acceptance.

That is why at this year’s parade, our float celebrated children from other cultures and nations. Our float was designed by local artist Mark Schmidt, and was underwritten by Nashville Spice Company, which is owned by Schmidt and Greg Fox.

In keeping with our tradition of handing out free books to children at our community parades, our volunteers distributed beginning-level English/Spanish books generously donated to us by Simon and Schuster’s children’s publishing division and Half Price Books in Bloomington.

Our hope is that Brown County children will be able to jump-start acquiring the following positive outcomes associated with early childhood bilingual learning efforts:

Learning a second language as a child boosts problem-solving, critical-thinking and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration and the ability to multitask.

Children proficient in other languages show signs of enhanced creativity and mental flexibility.

The cognitive benefits of learning a language have a direct impact on a child’s academic achievement. Compared to those without an additional language, bilingual children have improved reading, writing and math skills, and they generally score higher on standardized tests.

Children who are exposed early to other languages display more positive attitudes to the cultures associated with those languages. The experience of learning a language introduces them to the world in ways they might otherwise have not experienced.

Contrary to popular belief, young children are not confused by the introduction of multiple languages at the same time. Not only do they naturally navigate multilingual environments, but acquiring a second language early in life primes the brain to learn multiple other languages, opening a world of opportunities for later on.

(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

Many thanks to Nashville Spice Company and Mark Schmidt, and to the Friends of Literacy who help to make our parade participation possible: Bill Molin, Lori Williams, Everett Kunzleman, Tammi and Donnie Yacchari, Sally and Ken Gindling, Kady Lane, and everyone who shows up when we need them and helps us succeed.

Nos vemos en el desfile!

Barbara Young, president, Brown County Literacy Coalition

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