Letter: Public defender responds to comment in earlier letter

To the editor:

In a letter discussing two candidates for circuit judge in the forthcoming election (April 25 paper), Anna Hofstetter made a statement that is offensive to me, personally, and insulting to all four of Brown County’s public defenders, and it is based upon a false statement of alleged “fact.” I hope that false statement was not a lie, but merely a display of ignorance.

Ms. Hofstetter wrote, “Many public defenders will not move for a change of judge or venue because they will not be compensated if they do so.” I challenge Ms. Hofstetter to name one public defender in Brown County who has ever failed to do her or his utmost to defend a client because it might cost the defender lost income. None of us would ever do that, and the claim that we would do it, and the suggestion that we have done so is an outrageous libel. If maximizing our incomes were the goal of our practices, we would not be public defenders in the first place.

And the supposed factual foundation of this slur is false. Your public defenders are paid an annual salary, except for the writer of this letter. I receive an annual, contracted amount. If I secure a change of judge or even of venue to another county, it does not cost me a dime of compensation.

I take no public position on the judicial election. I would appreciate not being the victim of collateral damage from it.


Daniel C. Reuter, Brown County

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