Letter: Country Gospel Music Church says its goodbyes

To the editor:

How do you say goodbye to the Little Country Church (Country Gospel Music Church) that has been the house that God gave you to worship in for the past 18 of its 23 years? Oh, not always in the little white church, but in Brown County.

Like any church, we had our ups and downs and mostly worked through them with God’s help. We have been blessed. God has his reasons and things happen in His time. So the few members and friends (33 to be exact) that were left said our farewells during the last Thursday of April at our Country Music Jam Session. Somehow, the music was very special and the presence of God was with us. There were hugs and tears and memories which no one can take away. They are in our hearts and minds always. The few members (less than five) will still keep going if only to check on each other from time to time. The Little Country Church helped as many as we could in our last few weeks.

But I knew God was watching and he brought the Little Country Church another family (the Heart of Christ Ministries) to serve the Lord. And I, for one, thank God for blessing the Little Country Church and from the bottom of my heart, I wish them well. They are an always will be in my prayers.

Stop in and say hello to them. They will welcome you with open arms.

Phyllis Riskey Hamontre, Brown County

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