Letter: ‘There are so many people out to hurt me’

To the editor:

I try to live by the motto, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but what you say can never hurt me.” What bothers me is that there are so many people out to hurt me.

President Obama tried to hurt me by saying that I cling to my Bible and my gun. It didn’t hurt because it was true. These are rights given to us by God and are the first two of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. The amazing thing about the Constitution is that it backs the rights given to us by God. Offense given; none taken.

Hillary Clinton during the election called me a “deplorable.” This was an insult to all Americans who are the backbone of America. I suppose it is not deplorable to have a husband that used the Arkansas state troopers to scout the cities, hills, hollows and mountains of Arkansas for women. She was behind him all the way. That is not deplorable? She did not even dent my sensitive heart.

Bob Corker has called me a cultist. If loving God, family and country is cultism, I am one. Sen. Corker is on his was out because he blew his cork one time too many, and the good people of Tennessee have rejected him. He is no Andrew Jackson or Davy Crockett. He is a swamper in sheep’s clothing. Now, he can take his wool off because we all know what he is. To be called a cultist by a swamper does not hurt at all. Happy trails to him.

Now, here comes the F.B.I. They called me POS which I had to ask someone what it meant. They need my two grandmothers to go into the F.B.I. with their soap and peach limb switches and teach them some civility. Everyone says the leaders of the F.B.I. are corrupt, but the rank and file are OK. Tell that to Cliven Bundy of Nevada who made national news in a standoff with the federal government over grazing rights for his cattle. He was charged with conspiracy against the government. On Jan. 8, 2018, his case was dismissed without prejudice by the judge noting: “The government’s conduct in this case was indeed outrageous. … There has been flagrant misconduct, substantial prejudice and no lesser remedy is sufficient.” “Without prejudice” means he cannot be tried again on those charges.

The strange thing is we pay them to call us names. I am not hurt, but the more the wiser.


James Brown, Spearsville Road

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