Letter: Candidate Watson is ‘the leadership Indiana needs’

To the editor:

Trey Hollingsworth was born and raised in Tennessee. In September 2015, he moved to Jeffersonville, a Louisville, Kentucky suburb, to represent Johnson County, Indiana in Congress.

Trey voted for tax cuts in 2017. He gave himself a $14.5 million tax reduction. Trey never served in the military or in any capacity.

Trey voted for an $850 billion Afghanistan budget. This war is longer than any other two wars added together: 17 years. Started by Republicans, the Afghanistan and Iraq wars have cost taxpayers over $6 trillion. The tax cut avoids paying for these wars. Trey lost sight of the personal sacrifice required in a war effort.

Trey, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, passed a tax cut that made himself wealthier. Republicans are the party for the top 2 percent (the millionaires and billionaires). The other 98 percent of the people are not represented by this Republican Party. Making America great again is about returning to the land of opportunity for citizens less fortunate, not giving more privileges for the 2 percent.

Trey is not fit to represent the people of Indiana.

All Hoosiers need to vote for Liz Watson. Liz is a fifth-generation Hoosier. Liz represents the leadership Indiana needs.

Richard Tracy, Trafalgar