Letter: History regarding Bean Blossom Overlook land

To the editor:

In the early 1980s, the Park 40 Fund Campaign raised money and assets utilized to acquire land and to start Deer Run Park. The 150 acres at the Bean Blossom Overlook were acquired during that campaign.

At that time, State Rep. Vi Simpson (Democrat) and Bill Walters of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (Republican) contacted Brown County Parks and Recreation. The DNR offered to donate the 150 acres mentioned in the July 11 article plus some other small parcels of real estate along the State Road 135 corridor. Director Kelly Powell and I, as a board member, were the liaisons for parks and recreation. We were told the real estate had been deemed surplus by the DNR due to location and the costs to maintain. The DNR intended to get rid of the properties.

We were advised by the donors to take ownership through parks and recreation and not the county. They stated that at some point, all counties need money, and the selling of 150 acres could be an easy way to raise money. They felt “stewardship” would be better served under the powers of the parks and recreation department.

The parks and rec board declined the smaller plots due to possible boundary line disputes and potential costs. The board and the Park 40 Campaign volunteers were thrilled to accept the 150 acres. The real estate was deeded to parks and recreation. Any written agreement beyond the deed could nave negated the “gift” of the property and eliminated it as a donation under the Park 40 Fund matching grant agreement.

Thank you to the Brown County Parks and Recreation Department and Scout Jacob Wooton for your continued excellent stewardship.

Ken Birkemeier, Brown County

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