Letter: Electronic signs would affect Nashville’s charm

To the editor:

I was appalled to read that the Maple Leaf developers are requesting an electronic sign for their venue. This project has been plagued with problems caused by poor planning from the beginning, and this request is the icing on the cake.

Nashville is a unique town that attracts tourists because it does NOT embrace innovations like electronic signs. The last thing tourists coming to Nashville want to see are electronic signs that make them feel like they are still in the big city. There is something to be said for the lack of light pollution Nashville currently enjoys, the peaceful evenings looking at the stars and enjoying the kind of dark, quiet night that isn’t available in the city.

The developer suggests that the venue needs the electronic sign in order to communicate with people who are used to using advanced technology. I would suggest that tourists will be using advanced technology in the form of social media to plan their attendance at events at the Maple Leaf long before they arrive in Nashville. The developer would be better off planning a robust social media campaign to attract visitors, rather than using a tacky sign on the road.

Tom Smith, Nineveh

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