Letter: Freedom of expression applies equally, like it or not

To the editor:

Driving through Brown County, anyone can see that most of our fellow residents believe that all of us have the right to freely express ourselves, as is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States of America. We can see this because many of our neighbors place signs in their yards, or fly flags, or affix bumper stickers to their cars and trucks, letting the rest of us know what they think.

We do the same. I don’t always agree with others’ messages any more than I expect others to agree with me, but I believe in the Constitution and the freedoms it protects for people who do agree with me — and equally for people who don’t.

Someone in Brown County does not believe in these freedoms, and apparently not in the Constitution either. Whoever that is does seem to believe that it is OK to break the law in order to deny me these freedoms — OK to trespass on our property, to steal signs from our yard, and to commit property damage by knocking down our mailbox. My husband addressed this issue to our fellow residents in a previous letter to the editor when signs had been stolen repeatedly from our property.

I want to let residents of this county know that, among all of us here who respect the law and love our country, there are also a few who hold their own individual views above the law, the Constitution and the rights of everyone else. I’m sorry those few have chosen to live, trespass and vandalize in this beautiful county.

Elizabeth Boling, Carmel Ridge Road