Letter: Skateboarder from ‘60s supports Kids on Wheels

Editor’s note: This letter was sent directly to Kids on Wheels in support of their fundraiser to build a skate park. The author agreed to have it republished here at KOW’s request.

I have been watching your efforts to get a skate park constructed here in Brown County and have been very impressed. Back in the mid 1960s, myself and two of my best friends were probably the first skateboarders in Nashville. We took scrap 1-by-6-inch pine boards and mounted old metal skate wheels to the bottom and spent most of our time riding down the hill by the fire station and junior high building. As we got better, we ventured out to Brown County State Park for some bigger and longer rides. No helmets or protecting padding was worn. Dangerous? Yes, but hey, we were skateboarding!

When I was a senior my parents bought me a real board from California, a Hobie, made by the famous Hobie Surf Board Company. I still have that board with a few others my son and I have collected over the years. By the way, he’s in his mid-30s and still rides.

I am soon to be retired from the construction business, but if I can be of any help during the construction phase, please contact me at the above address or number. Hey, even if I don’t get a chance to pitch in, I’d like to bring my old Hobie board and make a few runs. (No tricks!)

Enclosed is a check to help with the costs. Keep pushing on this, you KOWs, and it’ll get done. Good luck!

Dave Gore, Nashville