Letter: County in need of more volunteer firefighters

To the editor:

We have a crisis that bothers me.

A 1-year-old lays injured in 30-degree weather for Lord knows how long because his father is dead.

A mother cries over her unconscious child, praying for help.

An entire family hangs upside-down in their car after going off the road.

Bad things happen. There are only a handful of people out there doing something.

The county only pays for two ambulances — more than 15,000 residents, two ambulances, zero paid firefighters.

You are minutes or seconds away from these people in need. Maybe you don’t know. Maybe you sit and watch your neighbor’s house burn down, praying someone will come help.

Stop letting your neighbors suffer. Do something. Volunteer.

Our emergency services have one thing in common: Police, fire, EMS, almost everyone will not stop until they help whomever is in need. But there are only a few currently involved. All of the fire personnel have jobs. Many are out of county.

Maybe you have 5 minutes a week to spare. That 5 minutes could save a life. Do something.

Hunter Riebl, Brown County

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