Letter: Connections plan includes more trails

To the editor:

Gov. Eric Holcomb’s $1 billion Next Level Connections plan will ensure broadband internet service throughout Indiana and complete important infrastructure projects statewide. Best of all, it will do all of this without raising taxes.

I’m particularly gratified the governor included $90 million to connect more of Indiana’s hiking, biking and riding trails. This vision for outdoor recreation will yield amazing dividends for many generations. With it, we can engage millions more Hoosiers with our state’s varied and beautiful natural areas.

The Nature Conservancy is proud to work with the governor and many others to help design a comprehensive program that can link people and communities with nature. Gov. Holcomb’s Next Level Connections is a unique and visionary plan to elevate the quality of life in Indiana. It’s also a great way to help Hoosiers reap the benefits of conservation while protecting our natural heritage.

Mary McConnell, Indiana state director, The Nature Conservancy

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