Letter: Reminder about microphone use

To the editor:

I have been attending meetings at Town Hall, the Salmon Room, school board and other places in the community. I have a request for the benefit of all.

Please, please, please, speak into the microphones, slowly. Articulate. Do not hold your hand over your mouth. Do not look down when talking. Do not interrupt others when they are speaking. Do not talk to others if the board members and audience cannot hear you.

I personally am hearing impaired since birth. I wear hearing aids. But they will not help when the above happens. And just so you don’t think it just on my behalf I am writing this letter, I am not. I sit with normal hearing people who also are not able to understand what is being said. I am sure that there are others in the audience and on boards who have issues hearing and understanding what is being said and get as frustrated as I do.

It is very tiring to strain to understand what is going on when good communication skills are not being used. Also, another suggestion is to repeat the question being asked before answering so that it all makes sense.

I thank those who serve and I thank those who come to meetings to speak. Let us all make it a better and more productive use of our time and energy to work on Brown County concerns.


Carolyn V. Bowden, Brown County

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