Letter: Thanks to show choir event sponsors, donors

To the editor:

The Brown County High School’s Choir Boosters wanted to take this moment to express our gratitude to all that made the Brown County High School Choir’s Coffee CABARET! such a success! There were many businesses that donated items for our silent auction. There were many donations to help with the beverages and table decorations for this event. Many of the youth and the parents bought or baked goods for our dessert buffet. There were many volunteers, that without you, we could not have pulled this off!

These are your local businesses that helped make this event a total success:

Coffee CABARET! silent auction contributors: Abe Martin Lodge, Lil Black Bear Inn, Casa Del Sol, Christy and Hailey Lane, Brown County Visitors Center — Barb Kelp, Mary Kay with Beth Drew, Big Woods/Quaff ON!/Hard Truth, Evelyn and Rachel Pool and Eric Smiley, Jennifer Wade, George Slaybaugh/Kelly Buddrige, Abe Martin Lodge, Out of the Ordinary restaurant, Lexie and Cindy Weddle, Totem Post, T&A Barn Quilt — Andy Bond, Hand Made Bench – -Aimie Heltman, Appleworks, Julie Davis, Heritage Candies/Sarah White, Isabella White, All Things Green, Brozinni’s Pizzeria, The Fields Family, Annandale House and Mammers Makins.

Also special thanks to The Chocolate Moose for the coffee, Brozinni’s for the tea and The Brown County Inn for the table linens.

Thank you to all the Choir Booster parents, especially those who were there at the event helping it to run so smoothly!

If we have forgotten to thank ANYONE, please know that your effort and time are deeply appreciated!


Beth Drew, Choir Boosters president