Letter: Commissioner candidate shares goals

Editor’s note: This statement was read at the League of Women Voters of Brown County’s candidate forum on Oct. 4 on behalf of county commissioner candidate Diana Biddle, who was absent, then submitted as a letter to the editor by Robyn Rosenberg at Biddle’s request.

To the editor:

I would like to begin by thanking the League for the opportunity to make this statement, and for your understanding and well wishes for my husband’s surgery this week. I regret that I am unable to attend, but I do invite anyone who has questions, or who would like to visit with me in the next few weeks to drop by the office, or give me a call, text or email.

It has been my distinct honor and privilege to have served as your county commissioner for the past four years. At the candidate forum in 2014, the overwhelming consensus was that the commissioners office needed to focus our efforts on infrastructure and public safety, with an emphasis on repairing our rapidly deteriorating county road system. I made a promise that these two priorities would get my full attention.

I have spent the last four years delivering on that promise, lobbying the Indiana Legislature for changes to the county road funding formula, applying and receiving $1 million from the Community Crossings grant, and paving over 50 percent (100 miles) of our paved county road inventory in four years. This is an unprecedented accomplishment that involved a great deal of funding strategy and teamwork.

My promise four years ago was to try to pave 20 miles per years. It’s never been done before. Not only did we meet that goal, we exceeded it. There is still more to be done, and I promise to do my best to help fund the remaining 100 miles of county road paving over the next four years.

In the area of public safety, we have finally achieved our goal of replacing an aging fleet of police vehicles with a system of strategic replacement of road deputy vehicles on a three- to four-year rotation, resulting in a large reduction in our vehicle repair fund.

Several years ago, the sheriff and other public safety units identified a pressing need for a new 911 radio transmission tower. After many discussions, research, and identifying a funding solution, we have engaged to build a new 911 tower to enhance communications with our deputies and public safety partners, creating a much safer communication environment for our deputies.

We were also able to identify grant funding to install generators in our EMA building, as well as the courthouse, along with finally implementing a tighter security protocol for entering the courthouse, increasing the safety and security for our judges, clerks and courthouse employees.

Four years ago, we were not even discussing internet or broadband options, but with the help of Scott Rudd, we created a Broadband Task Force. After much research, planning, and being proactive, we established the first Broadband Readiness Initiative in an Indiana county, followed by a Broadband Development Infrastructure Zone Ordinance this past March, setting the stage for announcements by both SCI REMC and Jackson County REMC of substantial broadband fiber-to-the-home projects impacting around 75 percent of the county. These projects are both progressing well, and Brown County is now the model blueprint for rural internet/broadband deployment throughout the state.

I pledge to continue to work with both REMCs and other broadband suppliers to maximize broadband deployment throughout the county.

These are just a few highlights of the last four years, i am excited to see what the next four years has in store for Brown County.

There are many other issues facing Brown County, including the opioid crisis. There is no easy answer, and there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. I am open to creative solutions and look forward to continuing this conversation with our various local resources.

Lastly, four years ago, I committed to being a full-time commissioner. It is the commissioners’ responsibility to manage the daily business of the county. We had previously engaged a county administrator at roughly four times the salary of a commissioner. I believe that if you elect someone to this office, they should be willing to commit the time to actually do the work. We are presently engaged in eight to nine capital improvement projects, plus an OCRA grant, three more OCRA grant applications are in process, along with a grant application for historic landmarks to address issues with the courthouse bell tower. In addition to the grants, budgets, payroll transmittal and daily claims, there are also weekly and monthly meetings to attend in addition to the regular commissioners meetings: Access Brown County, solid waste, emergency management, Community Corrections, Maple Leaf, maintenance team, Broadband Task Force, redevelopment commission, sewer districts, ROI, workforce development, budget hearings, county council, SIHO insurance monthly and quarterly, Launch House, Wellness for Life and many others.

In addition, I also represent Brown County and the Southeast District on the Indiana Association of County Commissioners coard, and participate in the Association of Indiana Counties. These associations are crucial in making contact with other commissioners and officeholders throughout the state, to talk about best practices and to keep from reinventing the wheel.

I sincerely appreciate all of you who have supported me for the last four years, and I promise to continue the same level of commitment to this position for the next four years.

Kindest regards,

Diana Biddle, Brown County