Letter: Former Van Buren trustee gives endorsement of Payne

To the editor:

I have read with interest all the comments about our township trustee, Vicki Payne, and the Van Buren Volunteer Fire Department. This is not about Democrat or Republican; this is about toxic leadership.

First, I’ve heard it was a grudge. There was not a grudge. This all started when I was trustee. In 2005, I was having trouble with the fire department. Southwest Bartholomew was making 90 percent of their runs, so I tried to contract with Southwest. The advisory board voted against me, so we tried to improve the fire department. We got lots of new firefighters. We started having fundraisers again. Terry Miller was elected chief, and he was making sure that the firefighters were getting adequate training, and things were improving very much. I was very proud of them. I was very involved at this time, helping any way I could, and was elected to the fire board. We did very well for quite a while, and then things started getting complicated. We got a new chief. Things stopped going smoothly. He told how he could sell anything anywhere, anytime. He tried that at a meeting by telling about all the problems with a lake out the road, where they had to use huge equipment, etc. He told it for the truth, but it wasn’t, because my husband built that lake with a backhoe and a bulldozer. We just kept losing firefighters.

I had started a cumulative fund for the department because it was in such dire need of a fire station, but we got nowhere with that.

It got to the point that I couldn’t get along with the chief, so he went to Vicki, who was on my advisory board. He told her lots of stories, and she believed him, partly because I had tried and tried to get the board to come to the meetings, because they had no idea, firsthand, what was going on. So Vicki ran for trustee and won. It didn’t take her long to realize that what I had told them about was true. She had no grudge; she went into this with good faith.

The rule for a viable fire department is two in, two out. If you don’t have at least four members, you cannot go into a burning house. At one time, we had about 18 firefighters, but they were driven away, one by one, by toxic leadership. This has been a problem for many years. I know many young men in the community who joined in good faith, but were driven away for one reason or another. We also learned that the VBVFD never was legal, because they never obtained a BLS. This was confirmed by Homeland Security.

About the lawsuit filed by the VBTFD board: This should never have been drawn out so long. When it was presented the first time before the judge, it should have been simple. Have you kept every line of the contract with the Van Buren Township trustee? The answer was no, so there should have been no question as to the outcome. The VBVFD should have been cut off right then.

I have heard about all the money the taxpayers have had to pay. Newsflash! Vicki has worked without pay for the last three years. Sarah (her deputy) has worked without pay! The advisory board has worked without pay! Their salaries have gone to pay for the attorney fees.

Another newsflash: This is not Vicki’s fire department. She did not start it. Ben Phillips started getting this new department together on his own. He is the registered agent. Check with the secretary of state to confirm this. He then presented his idea to Vicki; Vicki then took it and ran with it. Good for her. She certainly had more fortitude than I would have. This was not an easy thing to do for any of them, but I’m so glad they did it.

Vicki Payne did the best she could for what was thrown at her. In the duties of the trustee is providing fire protection for the township’s citizens. With the department and the problems she inherited, there were already problems. Vicki was determined to provide that protection, and she did. I don’t look down on her and think that she wasted our taxpayer money; she did what she did for the good of the people of Van Buren Township. And we have a very good Southern Brown Fire Department because of it. It is filled with good, determined people with qualifications galore, and they have their BLS. There are also several of the guys who were in the VBVFD, but were pushed aside. Now, they have found their place. I’m very proud of Vicki and the new Southern Brown Volunteer Fire Department.

I have on a couple of occasions, witnessed Southern Brown on runs. They were doing great. They always have at least eight to 10 people answering their calls. So, so proud of them!

Nettie P. Walls, Van Buren Township