Letter: ‘Blue Lives Matter’ and ‘Thin Blue Line’ not the same

To the editor:

In response to Jessica Bussert’s statement about the new police cars, I can say that her opinion of the flag that is displayed on the hood is based on misinformation. There is no such thing as a “Blue Lives Matter” flag. The flag in question is known as the “Thin Blue Line” flag. It symbolizes the dedication of the police force in protecting the general public from criminals. The blue line itself represents the police officer, who is the last line of defense of the common man against crime; the first line being the common man himself. The rest of the flag is left neutral (black and negative space) to highlight the blue line.

It should be a well-known fact that police officers come from all ethnic backgrounds, and though they consider themselves as belonging to a brotherhood, their first priority is to protect us. Are there bad apples in the police forces around the country? Of course. But they are in no way “waving a flag” in response to anything like BLM. The Thin Blue Line is a concept that predates BLM by many decades.

Considering how many state supreme courts have asserted that it is not a policeman’s responsibility to protect anyone, it’s actually refreshing to see this flag on a police car, because that tells you our local police officers do consider it their duty — and that’s what that flag means.

Shawn Crapo, Nashville

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