Letter: Lions Club celebrates another parade day

To the editor:

The Brown County Lions Spring Blossom Parade, our gift to the community since 2003, went off as scheduled on Saturday, May 4, on a rainy spring morning. From the high school band who entertained us to all the entries that embodied our theme, “Brown County Blooms,” we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the very first Spring Blossom Parade in 1929.

The Lions salute those who contributed to making the parade happen: our Grand Marshal, Audrey Evans, the great-great-granddaughter of the first Queen of the May, Grandma Barnes; Phyllis Carr for handling the myriad of forms required to close off our local roads; the Nashville Police Department and Brown County Sheriff’s Department for help with traffic control; and Brown County High School and Andy Tilton for allowing us to use their parking lots for staging.

Thanks, also, to the Rotarians for providing fun and games for the kids at the conclusion of the parade; to our judges, to Bill and Pat Lloyd, for allowing us to use the American flag carried at the conclusion of the parade each year; to all the participants who gave the crowd something to see — and hear — as they passed by; and to the many Lions Club members who helped in this year’s parade.

And thanks to you, the community, for coming out and supporting this remarkable community event.

Gloria Berryman, for the Brown County Lions Club