Letter: Thanks, volunteers, for giving time to local students

To the editor:

As the school year comes to a close, we just want to reflect on how much support community volunteers have shown to our Brown County students.

For several years now, Brown County Junior High School and the Career Resource Center have collaborated with individuals and companies to provide career exploration opportunities. We are sending a big “thank you” to all our wonderful volunteers who took so much time this past year to participate in our monthly Speakers Bureau sessions and our big Reality Store day last fall. We could never offer these experiences to our students if it were not for their willing spirit!

Volunteers from our community and the surrounding area collectively put in hundreds of hours to participate in helping our young people learn about career opportunities available to them, as well as to discover the “realities” of life as an adult. These hours do not even begin to count the amount of time that each person spent in preparing his or her comments and presentations or the time they spent traveling to visit us. We truly appreciate all of these efforts!


Kathryn Kabe, career education coordinator, Career Resource Center of Brown County

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