Letter: Thanks to Rep. May for public access vote

To the editor:

The Hoosier State Press Association would like to thank Rep. Chris May for supporting H.E.A. 1116, authored by Rep. Mike Karickhoff, R-Kokomo. This bill includes a provision that allows governing bodies to meet in executive sessions under the state’s Open Door Law to discuss strategy concerning the sale or lease of publicly-owned property.

Rep. Karickhoff reached out to HSPA prior to the legislative session to see if we could agree to a change that would allow government officials to explore ideas on how to better utilize publicly-owned property.

HSPA was originally concerned that the concept would open the door for a secret meeting, followed by a public meeting where a local landmark or treasured park was sold before residents had a chance to voice their opposition. HSPA worked with Karickhoff and Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (AIM) to make sure that the process would afford public comment before any public property could be sold or leased to another party.

The agreed-upon language preserves existing processes in I.C. 36-1-11 that requires an open process before a government unit can sell or lease property it owns. The new language was inserted into Karickhoff s bill during its House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee hearing, chaired by Rep. Kevin Mahan, R-Hartford City. The committee voted for the bill, 12-0. H.E.A 1116 was then passed by the House 98-0, including Rep. May’s “yes.” Reps. Mahan and Cherrish Pryor, D-Indianapolis, became co-authors.

The sponsor was Sen. John Ruckelshaus, R-lndianapolis. The bill was passed out of the Senate Local Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Jim Buck, R-Kokomo, with an 8-0 vote. The Senate then passed it 47-1. Co-sponsors were Sens. David Niezgodski, D-South Bend, and Lonnie Randolph, D-East Chicago.

Karickhoff concurred with Senate changes to other parts of H.E.A. 1116 and the House passed it again, 87-0, with May’s “yes” included.

Gov. Eric Holcomb signed the bill into law on May 1. The new provisions in H.E.A. 1116 went into effect on July 1.


Steve Key, executive director and general counsel, Hoosier State Press Association

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